Path to the Sustainable Financial Centre Switzerland.
June, 10 2013A Call to Action
Path to the Sustainable Financial Centre Switzerland. A call to action
The Sustainability Forum Zürich and Sustainable Finance Geneva strongly believe in the important role of the financial sector in contributing to the current and future prosperity of Switzerland. The two organisations also share a vision of a financial sector that systematically considers social and environmental challenges of our time in their operations as well as products and services.
Many experts, interviewed in the course of the preparation of this following paper, share this opinion.
Of course, Switzerland is not the only place where such opportunities are addressed. A number of other financial centres have taken first steps to turn them into profitable business. Yet, we are convinced that Switzerland with its well-anchored commitment to sustainable development has the assets to create a com- petitive advantage. The window of opportunity is open and now is the time to act.
The Sustainability Forum Zürich and Sustainable Finance Geneva publish this White Paper Path to the Sustainable Financial Centre Switzerland. A call to action in order to analyse these opportunities and propose actions to best take advantage of them. The paper is intended to stir a discussion amongst important actors in the financial centre. An ongoing dialogue will be required to further sharpen our suggestions and come up with concrete next steps. We look forward to leading it with you.